
knock n

see knock, v.

  1. Sign of arrival; signal of desire for entry.
  2. Rap; tap at the entrance; light strike with the hand; signal to request admittance.
  3. Sign; token of initiation; [fig.] prayer; respectful petition; preparation for entrance into the Holy Place; (see Matthew 7:7-8).

knock [-ed, -ing, -s] v

OE cnocian.

  1. Alarm; get attention; [fig.] awaken with first light.
  2. Tap repeatedly; show a desire to enter; [fig.] pray; respectfully petition; prepare for entrance into the presence of God; (see Matthew 7:7).
  3. Pound; signal arrival at a door; [fig.] throb; beat faster; arrive with quickened pulse.
  4. Nudge; prod; hint; prompt; [fig.] happen; occur; appear.
  5. Rap with the fist; strike rhythmically with the knuckles of the hand; [fig.] request; draw attention; give a polite signal; make one's presence known.
  6. Desire; seek; ask; [fig.] believe; have faith; (see Matthew 7:8).
  7. Make noise; produce a rhythmic sound; [fig.] distract; interrupt; deflect attention away momentarily.