
strong [-er, -est] adj

OE 'severe, strict'.

  1. Physically powerful; able to exert great force; [subjective complement for linking verb.]
  2. Firm; steady; hardy; healthy.
  3. Secure; able to endure
  4. Loud; powerful; forceful; resonating; [fig.] sure; certain; committed; confident; full of faith.
  5. Perfumed; potent-smelling; heavy with floral scent.
  6. Fit; persistent; most prevailing.
  7. Powerful; omnipotent.
  8. Intense; potent; concentrated.
  9. Constant; everlasting.
  10. Strenuous; heavy; ponderous; exhausting; enervating; [fig.] bitter; dark with sorrow and sin.
  11. United; bonded; closely associated.

strong [-er] adv

see strong, adj.

  1. Unflinchingly; fearlessly; more courageously; with more gusto; with greater intent; with less hesitation; [adjectival complement] more intense in flavor; more bitter to the taste; more potent in content density, as with a beverage like coffee; [fig.] without shrinking, like Christ in Gethsemane.

strong n

see strong, adj.

  1. Believers; faithful ones.