
tell [-ing, -s, told] v


  1. Inform; report; let know.
  2. Assure; comfort; convince; soothe; console.
  3. Recount; narrate; recite.
  4. Calculate; compute; figure; reckon.
  5. Announce; declare; disclose; divulge; reveal; expose.
  6. Command; order; require.
  7. Say; explain; verbalize; express in words.
  8. Understand; comprehend.
  9. Repeat; utter again and again.
  10. Confide in; trust with confidential matters.
  11. Ask; petition; request.
  12. Speak.1409/Fr1456 of the Minds / That told the Truth to me
  13. Communicate; convey; transmit; impart; [polyptoton of tell, tale, and told from the same root].