
mistake n

Sw. misstag.

  1. Betrayal; deception; beguilement; being wrong about trusting someone; [structural ambiguity: “fear” as main verb with “mistake” as noun object] be afraid of making a mistake.
  2. Error; misconception; misreading; misunderstanding; misapprehension; misinterpretation.

mistake [-n, mistaking, mistook] v

ON mistaka, take by mistake.

  1. Misunderstand; be confused; become confounded; get it wrong.
  2. Take one thing for another.
  3. Show; display; betray; reveal unintentionally; [structural ambiguity: “mistake” as main verb with “fear” as noun object] make the mistake of fearing.
  4. Misinterpret; miss the point; overlook the truth.